Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Why do we assume that non-smokers with lung cancer contracted it from second-hand smoke

Why do we assume that non-smokers with lung cancer contracted it from second-hand smoke?
Medical websites list the many ways to get lung cancer and many will state that doctors cannot say for certain where the cancer came from. What I mean by "we" is that often when the subject a non-smoker dying of lung cancer comes up, its followed with sentiments such as "...and thats why we gotta get smoking banded in saloons." Not that smoking is "good for you," but this is usually the first reaction, and not something like "...thats why Los Angeles is dangerous, there's too much smog and pollution." So Christopher Reeve's wife was stuck in rooms with second hand smoke for too much time of her life??? It must not have anything to do with the environment, which we are all to blame for? Its because of smokers?
Cancer - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Consider that if you smoke a pack a day for fifty years and finally get lung cancer (it often takes that long to affect the actual person smoking) then how could the second hand smoke possibly be the cause of cancer in someone who doesn't smoke at all?
2 :
Who's we? Throughout my lifetime I have been made aware of several differant causes of lung cancer, although smoking and the offspring of it is the #1 cause. Many truck drivers have contracted lung cancer from their cargo. Mostly grain drivers but there are other instances as well. Pipe Fitters especially those employeed before asbestos was outlawed are likely to contract lung cancer, also painters, construction workers, countertop finishers (granite and corian) . The list is quite long. So with all of these differant occupations effected I really don't know who we is because many lives have been effected.
3 :
because, an active smoker inhales less smoke (with nicotine) than passive smoker.. why? because, a cigarette has a filter so less nicotines are being inhaled, unlike in the case of passive smokers that inhales the smoke without a filter,.
4 :
Cancers have to be caused by something. An acidic body will encourage cancer growth but cancer needs a catalyst or carcinogen to start the cancer growth. For most people, the only carcinogens they come across in the air are second hand smoke, dust in the air, and other air pollution from industry and cars. If dust in the air from natural events caused so much cancer to be a leading cause, we would have known about it long ago. While air pollution from industry and cars is more prevalent then second hand smoke, it's not as concentrated as being stuck in a room with smokers day in, day out for years on end and it's the concentration that overwhelms the body's ability to get rid of it. While doctors may not be able to say exactly what caused any one case of lung cancer, the statistics show a strong correlation between second hand smoke and increased frequency of lung cancer.
5 :
There has never been a study performed to prove that 2nd hand smoking has ever contributed to lung cancer. But that doesn't mean I would go near second hand smoke.
6 :
I have never heard that, but if people say that, it is due to ignorance. Everybody is an expert, you know what I mean?
7 :
It could be from various other things but hey if I were to get lung cancer I'm going to blame my parents and myself I smoked for 11 years and before that I inhaled the smoke from my parents.

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