Sunday, October 4, 2009

How long can someone survive while having stage 4 lung cancer

How long can someone survive while having stage 4 lung cancer?
my gpa is about 80 years old and he found out he had lung cancer back in april of 09. He hasn't had any treatments. He is diabetic and has heart problems and his kidneys are failing. How long would you say he has to live? He means the world to me and I want to send every second I can with him =(
Cancer - 2 Answers
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1 :
not knowing anything other when what you have told us...i would guess it was about 6-8 months from the time he was diagnosed. so that would be around september-november. did you ask him or your parents how long the doctor gave him? if not you should cause the doc will usually give the patient a timeframe if the patient asks and it is for sure terminal.
2 :
I agree with Bored. From the time a person is diagnosed terminally ill with cancer, they usually always have less than one year. He might be here for Christmas if he is lucky. Especially the elderly. My grandfather was 69 and just passed away from lung cancer. He was looking healthy May 20, 2009 at my High School graduation. He passed away August 26, 2009. It sucks.

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