Wednesday, February 20, 2008

How long does a lung cancer patient have to live without treatment

How long does a lung cancer patient have to live without treatment?
My grandmother was diagnosed with lung cancer, it has grown from the size of a grape to the size of a golf ball in a month. She won't do any chemo/radiation or surgery, because she wants the time she has left to be good, and the docs said she has a year left. BUT ... first, if it's grown that fast, how can she have a year? And every instance of lung cancer I've ever heard of has had the patients die much sooner ... like Peter Jennings was given six months and lived like two weeks, and another I read about was given a year and died less than three months later. How long does she have, realistically?
Cancer - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Everyone is different. Depends on the growth and if it spreads. BUT, my Mother had a spot on her lung, took a pill instead of chemo again from years ago, I can't remember the name, but if you are interested to find out what it is, I can find out and let you know. She took it for 3 months and the spot is gone. And it never made her sick. She has alzhimers and we didn't want to put her through chemo again. But this worked. However though, the alzhimers is taking it's toll on her now. But, the cancer is gone. Let me know if you need to know the name to discuss this option with your grandmother. Take care.
2 :
i think your grandmonther should try the kenmo my grandmom died from cancer and she lived a good life with the kemo and all and if she beats it she would live way longer then a year
3 :
Being painfully honest about it. Your grandmother probably has longer to live without the chemotherapy treatment than with the treatment. Chemo for lung cancer is very harsh and many people die from side effects of the treatment rather than the cancer itself. No one can tell how long your grandma has to live. That is between her and her God. She made a very brave decision not to accept treatment. I wish more people would make that decision, but when faced with death, people do what they have to do to hang on and I am not one to judge them for that as a matter of fact, I dont know what I would do if faced with the decision. It makes me so upset to administer chemotherapy to an elderly person who has cancer and watch them whither away, but we have to honor their decision and treat them.
4 :
Your grandmother is wise to avoid chemo for lung cancer. It is truly ineffective. It's impossible to predict how long a particular person will live with their cancer. The stats only apply to averages, which consists of those who lived longer and those who lived less time. I cured my own Stage 4 cancer nine years ago with hot peppers, garlic and fish oil. If I had been losing weight, I would have used evening primrose oil in place of the fish oil. Maybe your grandmother would be interested in doing something like that...something that doesn't make a person sick while being treated. Good luck and be well. Kelley

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