Friday, February 8, 2008

What is the association between smoking and dying of lung cancer

What is the association between smoking and dying of lung cancer?
For cigarette smokers the lung cancer mortality rate = 140 per 100000. For nonsmokers the lung cancer mortality rate = 10 per 100000. This is a question in my epidemiology class. And we have to interpret the results. Thanks! We have to calculate the association between smoking adn dying of lung cancer by using the numbers above. Then with that number we have to interpret the results. I'm not sure how to go about doing that.
Cancer - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
The smoking part.
2 :
3 :
There is a positive correlation between the perceived cause: smoking, and effect: lung cancer. There is some solid evidence that smoking causes lung cancer.
4 :
That means lung cancer is commoner in smokers 14 times the nonsmokers . Smoking is highly associated with squamous cell carcinoma of lung
5 :
People on this board sharing experiences and helpful hints between cancer sufferers and you are asking them to do your homework? Maybe reminding them even more of death by cancer? I guess maybe I'm overly touchy and having a not so good day, if I offended excuse me but, I am a little offended.

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