Monday, November 24, 2008

What is the right kind of food for an advanced lung cancer patient

What is the right kind of food for an advanced lung cancer patient?
My father is in the final stages of lung cancer and is having sever direaha, I was wondering if there was a website out there that would give us some ideas on the right kinds of food to feed him so that he is more comfortable?
Cancer - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
This is probably too obvious, but have you asked his doctor for some medication? If your Dad is in the final stages but still has an appetite, I'd want him to be eating his favorite things. But diarrhea can be controlled by meds. I'm very sorry for you and your Dad and wish you peace.
2 :
try to add some probiotics to whatever you can get him to eat or will help with the diarrhea and hopefully that will provide some level of comfort for him.....vitamin enriched smoothies are a good source of nutrition, All in One makes an excellent powder vitamin that can easily be mixed in liquids.
3 :
Sorry about your father. You should talk to the Dr. or nurse about his diet. I would guess anything would be ok as long as it is not over seasoned. Soups, stews etc...
4 :
Talk to the doc first, but I would try some anti diareah meds. At the end of my life I would be wanting to eat all the things I loved, and would take any med that would allow me to do so. Also, it may seem odd, but is he getting enough fluids? Sometimes not having enough will cause diareah. And, adding more fiber. Get like the powdered fiber you can add to foods or drinks. Ofcourse, speak to the doc first.
5 :
check out this site below it should give you a good idea of what to feed your father to help him feel at ease and good luck

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