Friday, January 8, 2010

Does playing the saxophone increase risk of lung cancer

Does playing the saxophone increase risk of lung cancer?
Is there any truth in this? That playing wind instruments increases your chances of developing lung cancer?
Performing Arts - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
IOnly if you smoke while you play. I never heard of such a thing.
2 :
I've never heard of anything like that. If anything it should help you control your breathing.
3 :
No. Smoking does and second hand smoke will give you lung cancer. Playing a wind instrument is like breathing, except you control your breath.
4 :
Yes, if you play too much jazz....... all that pot smoking that goes with it :P
5 :
What a silly, silly question. If anything playing an instrument, singing or dancing will increase your lung capacity. Sounds like someone does not want to spring for a musical instrument. Not only does playing an instrument increase your lung capacity but research has shown that playing music increases language skills and more recently research from Duke University has shown it to help keep mood levels consistent.
6 :
No, in fact it will increase your lung capacity. A person has to learn to breath right to get the right flow.
7 :
Quite the oppositte actually! Because all wind instrument players develop healthy lung capacities to play in the first place they will have less chance of developing lung cancer and will actually live longer. Saxophone players in particular are amongst the musicians who live the longest! (of course the more 2nd hand smoke they are around, the less the advantage... damn smokers!)

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