Sunday, January 24, 2010

What systems are effected when you get lung cancer

What systems are effected when you get lung cancer?
ASAP What else can happen when you get lung cancer?
Cancer - 3 Answers
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1 :
the entire body is affected in one way or another. this is something you need to ask your doctor.
2 :
Every system. If you get cancer, not only is the cancer bad, the treatment is just as bad. Plus death...
3 :
lung cancer can severely inhibit your breathing if the tumor is large. my mom's progressed to the point where she had to be put on an oxygen machine because breathing was hard for her. there are two types of lung cancer: small cell and non-small cell. small cell is the faster growing of the two, yet seems to have a higher percentage of cure rate. non-small cell grows slower but can be more resistant to treatment. anyone who gets lung cancer needs to get a full body check to make sure it hasn't spread. it has a tendency to spread to other organs very quickly (especially the brain) therefore treatment will most likely include chemotherapy. sometimes even if the cancer has not spread to the brain they will do preemptive treatment of radiation of the brain to try to stop it from spreading there. to give more information about lung cancer to you i'd need to know the specific type of lung cancer, stage and size of tumor, and if the cancer has spread anywhere else...but I hope I helped you out a little bit.

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