Saturday, September 20, 2008

How fast does lung cancer kill

How fast does lung cancer kill?
My grandfather gtot diagnosed with lung cancer in both lungs. Last year he had given up smoking after 60 years of addiction. He's 76 or so years old. He's looking pretty good right now but I'm just wondering what the worst and best case scenarios are here.
Cancer - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It slowly spreads and causes lung disease. Chemo can help sometimes. I wish you the best of luck.
2 :
my sister's dad had lung cancer. he passed away within 6-7 months of being diagnosed.
3 :
It depends, but his oncologist can give a fairly accurate prediction. My mother was diagnosed with Lung Cancer that spread to the brain, and was given 3-6 months. She died 5 months later. The biggest mistake we all made, was to agree to the doctors recommendation of radiation therapy. That treatment may have bought her extra couple of months, but they we're months misery and hell, because of the severe side effects of the treatment. So, before you let him get chemo or cancer treatment, be sure you explore what the side effects will be. I would imagine he would rather have 3 months of life, rather than 6 months of hell, yes? As far a his smoking....the game is almost over...if he's happy being smoke free, good for him. However, if smoking makes him happy....he should be able to smoke as much as he wants...what's the harm going to be at this point? Personally, I'm a heavy smoker and recently found I have moderate emphysema. I'm still smoking and have no intentions of quitting or cutting back. I know what my future is going to be and I intend to enjoy myself and smoke right to the very end. I wish you and and grandfather the best of luck, with whatever course you both choose.

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