Wednesday, August 20, 2008

How much cigarette is enough to cause lung cancer

How much cigarette is enough to cause lung cancer?
I've had about 4 packs of 20 cigarettes in my life in the range of a 2 year's time, is it enough to cause severe lung cancer?
Cancer - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It's not the amount of cigarettes you have that causes it,it's when you have a cigarette and the toxins(not the tobacco,that isnt the problem;its the nicotine and stuff)enter a blood cell that is seperating or something.That's how you get cancer.Some people smoke hundreds of cigarettes every week and never have as much as a cough.It just depends.
2 :
Cancer is a tricky thing. Somebody who has never smoked a day in their life can develop severe lung cancer. The important thing is that you have stopped. Your body is already repairing itself and to be honest those 4 packs probably have not done too much in the long run. Don't start again.
3 :
While a link has been established between smoking and a range of diseases including lung cancer and it seems to be worse the more you smoke, no "safe" level of smoking has been established. On the positive side, once you stop smoking, the body starts to heal many of the problems caused.

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