Monday, October 20, 2008

What is the minimal age for lung cancer death caused by secondhand smoke

What is the minimal age for lung cancer death caused by secondhand smoke?
Also, how long after being around a heavy smoker does it take for lung cancer to develop? (my 14 year old friend lives with his grandma, a smoker who refuses to quit... but he doesn't smoke himself. even so i am a bit worried)
Cancer - 11 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
4 hours
2 :
don't know
3 :
There simply isn't enough data to give such a specified answer. I would simply avoid it as much as possible.
4 :
The youngest on record is about 17 day old baby. The woman smoked the whole time she was pregnant and the baby dies after it was born.
5 :
Bunch of hooey, if it is so dangerous then why hasn't the gov. banned cigs, oh yeah, because they make money off of them.
6 :
there is no "minimal" age and there is no proof anyone ever died from second-hand smoke. Did you know that around the '60s almost everyone smoked?? So by your reasoning (and the stupid anti-smokers and governments) most if not all the kids during that time should be dead already. They lie like they lied about Marijuana just to brainwash all the gullible people. Your brother and you have a better chance of getting cancer from the food you eat. #1 cancer killer? Colon cancer, NOT lung cancer.
7 :
It takes years, but I've heard of a 30-year-old who got lung cancer. Tell him to ask his grandma to go outside to smoke, or at least open all the windows. In Australia there is a $110 fine for smoking in a car with children under 18.
8 :
The second hand smoking causing cancer correlation has not been fully proven. The reports on this all point to a few studies that proved mostly inconclusive or biased. The original studies have been skewed to fit personal and political agendas in the recent times. More than likely, your friend is fine so long as he doesn't smoke the things himself or shotgun with his grandmother. The bigger concern is smelling like cigarettes all the time.
9 :
It depends on the persons predisposition to developing cancer. Just because he lives with her and she smokes it is not a death sentence. Tell him to keep his bedroom door shut and his windows open. If she smokes in the car leave the windows open etc. *Hannah your an idiot! States have made it illegal to smoke in public places and (in my state) it is illegal to smoke in a car with anyone under 18. Smoking in homes is considered by DHHS as a health risk and is being considered for becoming a 'reportable event' for children with disabilities and respiratory issues.
10 :
no proven facts or data to suggest age of death from second hand smoke, as others have said there is no correlation. they are being very paranoid, mind your own business.
11 :
Do you have 100% proof that secondhand smoke causes lung cancer? No there is no 100% proof but for people that are heavy smokers who may develop lung cancer, whether it is due to smoking or not, don't usually get it till they are about 60. I wouldn't worry about your friend getting lung cancer, then again you or your friend could get leukaemia, bone cancer, skin cancer, throat cancer or lots of other cancers that have nothing to do with smoking but to do with the individual person or from exhaust fumes from cars, does your parents have a car? Living within 500 metres of a bus station can make a child six times more likely to develop cancer and found that exhaust fumes were a major cause of cancers such as leukaemia and lymphoma. Other high-risk spots included living near hospitals or train stations. I wouldnt worry about your friend getting lung cancer

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