Thursday, July 24, 2008

Where can i find some stories about people with Lung Cancer

Where can i find some stories about people with Lung Cancer?
My mom has lung cancer and my way of dealing with it is to look at stories of other people who have had Lung cancer. I prefer not to read about survivors because the chance of that are so small i was to be prepared for what could happen. Also i wanted to know what it could be like if this takes a turn for the worse. So i was wondering where i could go to read other stories.
Cancer - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 : this seems to be a good website cross my fingers that she would recover from it. even a 1% chance of survival means that there is still chance of surviving, dont give up on hope
2 :
there are many things about breast cancer here :

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