Sunday, August 8, 2010

What are the chances that I have lung cancer at the age of 20

What are the chances that I have lung cancer at the age of 20?
I have been smoking for about 4 years and I am getting this sharp pain in my lung which could obviously just be a lung infection but I'm really scared so am going to get a xray. What would be the chances of having lung cancer at my age?
Cancer - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Very possible - you won't know until you go get the xray. Cancer doesn't care about age or gender!
2 :
While not likely, it is possible. Your options are see a Dr, get it diagnosed, get treatment and have a chance of getting better. OR Don't see a Dr, ignore what is happening, not get treatment and possibly die of cancer. Given the treatment could be as simple as an antibiotic for an infection, or a warning to give up smoking, I would be looking for a diagnosis from a Dr. Use this as a warning, and get help to give up smoking.
3 :
I think you should know more about its risk factors to ease your worry, this might help

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