Thursday, August 12, 2010

Why do people get lung Cancer years and years after they quit

Why do people get lung Cancer years and years after they quit?
I have known several people that haven't smoked for over 20 years and then end up getting lung cancer as they approach old age.
Cancer - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Secondhand smoke also causes lung cancer. And sometimes cancer is there, but is undetected for a long time.
2 :
Once you smoke the damage has been done. See, everyone has cnacer cells, but when people smoke, the cancer cells in thier lungs get mutilated and the start to "code" differently. Thus bringing on a tumor, etc.
3 :
My friend mother-in-law just passed away 4 days ago. She is not a smoker. Life is fragile and unpredictable. We can die from anything. Don't worry too much. Just enjoy living every single day.
4 :
It is also what you eat, these days nothing is safe anymore. And if your longs are the weakest of all your intestines than it is possible to get cancer.
5 :
Smoking doesn't always cause cancer. People high up in the government and in medical fields say that smoking causes cancer, so does radon. Also, genetics play a part in getting cancer because not everyone who smokes will die of cancer. Some people may die of other causes if they didn't smoke for 20 years after they quit. Just because you smoke doesn't always mean you will get lung cancer. There may be increased factors in getting lung cancer and the risk may be high, but still, someone may not get lung cancer. Check out the American Cancer Society's website to find out more about lung cancer.
6 :
Cancer in general is caused by cells which either have mutated genetic pathways, or receive mutated signals, causing them to divide uncontrollably. In the case of lung cancer and smoking, the chemicals in the smoke can cause some of these mutations, but not enough damage to cause cancer at that point. However, as we age, our chromosomes are shortened at the ends (called telomeres) each time the cell divides. Many types of cancer are caused by this shortening, because eventually, important parts of the telomeres can be deleted, mutated, etc. That's why the risk for cancer goes up with age, because there have been so many more cell divisions over time. When you combine mutations and damage done by smoking, then the mutations caused by normal aging - that can cause cancer. This is a likely reason that people who quit smoking and are cancer free when they quit may develop cancer later, when the effects of aging compound with the effects of their old smoking habit. Each person is different - some who have never smoked will still get lung cancer (mostly from secondhand smoke or other environmental causes) and there are some people who smoke their entire lifetime will never get it...that's why there is so much cancer research going on right now trying to figure out the differences between people, and why some get cancer and others don't. Hope this helps.
7 :
I don't understand why if smoking is so bad for peoples health then why are they still being sold? I would like to know what causes cervical,prostate,liver,pancreatic,etc. cancers? Why is it the only one we can come up with an answer to is lung cancer? The lady who is a researcher even named the products put in cigarettes to make them dangerous but they are still in the stores. Please don't get me wrong,I wish I had the information the kids have today and I would have never started smoking. I pray the kids of today listen to the information and never start smoking but everyone knows that won't happen. Please help us smokers stop by getting our government to ban them completely. The non-smokers make us the bad guy but we are addicted just like a cocaine addict and we need help just like they do.
8 :
I know a couple of people who died from lung cancer, and who had never smoked and never lived with anyone who smoked. Go figure. There are other factors also. Why are we not hearing more about radon these days? Is it because they can't do anything about it?

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