Wednesday, August 4, 2010

How long do I have if I get diagnosed with lung cancer

How long do I have if I get diagnosed with lung cancer?
I have a 2cm nodule and smaller nodules in my lungs, going in tomorrow for a PET scan. If this is cancer, how quickly will it spread?
Cancer - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It is different for everyone as to how quick it spreads. My Dad had a tumor the size of a grape fruit in his lung...They removed half of his lung and was told he had 5 years to live...That was about 12 years ago and he is still doing well.
2 :
Don't let anyone tell you on How long you can live. To my understanding and my spiritual knowledge "you live till you are destined to live". Always think positive. Positive thinking can cure advance diseases and cancers... It all starts in the mind....... never think on how no one knows...even a healthy man can die in an accident tomorrow..... I have seen cancer patients living even longer then anyone be positive and keep on praying to GOD. May GOD Bless YOU.
3 :
Read below: You can always refer to the American Lung Associations' Web-site for practical answers. You should also have a good relationship with your Doctor(s). They need to be available to you 24/7, to help you. Prognosis It is important to remember that there are treatments available for lung cancer, no matter what stage the cancer is. Treatment decisions will vary based upon the status of the individual patient and may also be influenced by the patient's strength, general health, co-existing illnesses and ability to tolerate certain treatments. Staging of non-small cell lung cancer: The overall staging for NSCLC uses I through IV, with I being the earliest stage and IV being the latest. Evaluation of the tumor, lymph nodes, and metastases are included in the overall stage. •Stage I: The earliest stage of lung cancer. The tumor is found only in one lung and has not spread to any lymph nodes. •Stage II: The tumor has spread to lymph nodes that are contained within the surrounding lung. •Stage IIIa: The tumor has spread to the lymph nodes outside of the lung, to those the tracheal area, including the chest wall and diaphragm on the same side as the cancer started. •Stage IIIb: The tumor has spread to the lymph nodes on the opposite lung or in the neck. •Stage IV: The tumor has spread to other parts of the lungs or distantly throughout the body. I wish you the best of luck!

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