Friday, September 24, 2010

Has lung cancer already began to grow inside me

Has lung cancer already began to grow inside me?
i'm 21 and being smoking 7yrs i think. i plan on quitting this week but something i read about "lung cancer begins growing 20 years before diagnosis" or something like that has made me a little anxious so im wondering has it already began to grow in my lungs? thanks.
Cancer - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
That'd be impossible to know without going to the doctor. Probably not, though. If you quit now, you are young enough for your body to fully recover.
2 :
you will not close the possibility of lung cancer, because you have started smoking since seven years ago. You better stop smoking from now and start living healthy, maintaining a diet, and exercise regularly. Do not waste your life with health damage. Good Luck
3 :
Only one of every 13 smokers develops lung cancer. That being said, the risk is real. At seven years, you probably aren't at risk yet but the damage is cumulative and after 10 pack years (1 pack a day for 10 years, 2 packs a day for five years, etc.), the lifetime risk starts to climb. It usually requires several attempts to quit, and for that reason if no other, you are at risk.

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