Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What are ways to detect/diagnose lung cancer

What are ways to detect/diagnose lung cancer?
What are ways to detect/diagnose lung cancer?
Cancer - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Honestly I only know of one sign of lung cancer. When you breath, you'll hear a whistling in your lungs. That sound is the air forcing itself around the cancer.
2 :
1.sputum exam (bloody)or hemoptysis 2.chest x ray (patch or abscess)or CTscan of the chaest 3.bronchial lavage show mlignant cells in the smear 4.biopsy of the lesion or pleural fluid aspiration
3 :
a blood test will show a abnormality. A chest x-ray will show a shadow (could be cancer) A biopsy will tell for sure.
4 :
Lots of coughing. We thought my mom had bronchitis, even though she'd been telling us that she couldn't breathe for months. She had an x-ray, and it was visible. They tried to biopsy the mass in her lung, but her trachea was nearly swollen shut. They biopsied lots of different sites, and it was determined that she had stage 4 lung cancer and that it had spread everywhere. The chemotherapy weakened her substantially, and she died a few weeks later. I don't blame her for smoking. I saw her try over and over to quit. The beast just overwhelmed her. TX Mom
5 :
Nagging cough or hoarseness: A cough that does not go away may be a sign of lung cancer. Hoarseness can be a sign of cancer of the larynx (voice box) or thyroid.
6 :
the only sure way of detecting cancer of the lung is a biopsy. x-rays showed spots on my lungs. but after the biopsy they ruled cancer cells out. they are saying that i have scare tissue. im checked every 2 months with ct scans with contrast.

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