Sunday, October 12, 2008

How often do you have to smoke tobacco in order to get lung cancer

How often do you have to smoke tobacco in order to get lung cancer?
For example, how much does an average person have to smoke to get lung cancer (one pack a day for 10 years? one pack a month for 40 years, etc.) I need this information for a school report I'm writing on the affects of various drugs, so please provide links to anywhere you might have gotten your facts from, thanks!
Cancer - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
There is no pat answer to this question. Every person is different in what their body will tolerate. This has been a tobacco co. promotion point because some celebrates like George Burns smoked cigars all his life and lived to be 100. On the other hand, John Wane was taken all too soon and was very public about tobacco being the cause.
2 :
The average smoker doesn't get lung cancer -- the chance is somethinge like 1 in 18. However, It takes 10 pack years -- that's one pack a day for 10 years, half a pack for 20 years, etc. -- for the risk to become significant. The figure is from an oncologist here.
3 :
90% of lung cancer patients have smoked. It is impossible to predict the amount one person could smoke before he/she gets lung cancer. The best thing to do if you do smoke, is to inform your self on the symptoms of lung cancer. That way it is possible for you to catch it early enough. Lung cancer is treatable but the fact is the earlier it is caught the the more the survival rate increases. If you like to look at the symptoms of lung cancer, a website i find very helpful is listed below.

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