Thursday, October 16, 2008

Who and Where is this person that claims praying to Mary McKillop cured her of inoperable lung cancer

Who and Where is this person that claims praying to Mary McKillop cured her of inoperable lung cancer?
I mean do we just take her word for it? I'd like to hear from her Doctors and see some Evidence that a prayer to a dead nun can cure you of inoperable lung cancer, before and after xrays would be good.
Cancer - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If cancer is healed by Divine intervention, it is God himself who reaches down and heals......not Mary McKillop or any other human being!
2 :
The approved miracle, which involved the healing of a woman with cancer during the mid 1990s after she prayed to Mother Mary, had to be scientifically and theologically assessed before it was decreed by the Vatican. The above is a section I Googled from an Australian newspaper and seemingly the scientific tests have been carried out before the Vatican could call it a Miracle - miracles do happen, 43 years ago I had a terrible accident just before my 10th birthday and I was in a coma for 8 days and my parents were told I would never waken up and only had days to live, they operated and family was told nothing more could be done, my mother prayed to St Martin who at that time was Blessed Martin, she soaked me in holy water and prayed, they were told I would be dead within 1 hour - I woke up and I had no side affects and eventually got married and had children and now grandchildren, so miracles do happen if you have faith?

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