Friday, October 24, 2008

What is the right food for lung Cancer patient

What is the right food for lung Cancer patient?
My mother is at the 4th stage of Non-Small Lung Cancer. She is under Chemotherapy treatment. Now sometimes whatever she eats or drinks make her to cough and it takes long time to stop coughing. She now gets scare of eating and drinking everything. Could anyone tell me that what are the right food or drink to give her so she would never cough?
Cancer - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
She has end stage long cancer, she is going to cough. Let her decide what, when and how much she wants. Time is short by the way, spend your time with her and forget the food.
2 :
I'm really sorry for you mom, I've done some research and found this article that should give you enough info Best of luck

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