Thursday, December 4, 2008

How long to live or whats the survival rate of lung cancer

How long to live or whats the survival rate of lung cancer?
lung cancer has spread-ed not to the brain but the bones actually, how long to live or whats the survival rate if i go through chemo?
Cancer - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
In most cases, statistics refer to the 5-year survival rate. The 5-year rate of survival is the percentage of people who are alive 5 years after a lung cancer diagnosis, whether they have few or no signs or symptoms of lung cancer, are free of disease, or are receiving treatment for lung cancer
2 :
Lance Armstrong had cancer in those places and he recovered to win the Tour De France cycle race a number of times.Never give up,miracles do happen---best of luck
3 :
Statistically not brilliant but who knows if you may be one of the lucky ones. Talk to your oncologist, contact support groups for more info. Aims to give a lot of helpful factual information and also has a phone help line. Whatever you decide may you be given the strength to cope with your situation.
4 :
It is not possible to predict what will happen with an individual . .there are too many factors to consider including age of patient, overall health, response to treatment, the talent of the oncology team . . but treatment will at least give a chance for survival and possible remission. It is up to each individual to decide whether to take that chance for survival or not.
5 :
About 10 years depending on how strong you are .
6 :
Everyone is different, it depends on your age and your current state of health. My dad had lung cancer and lung removed and at that time we thought it had not spread and he lead a normal life, went abroad etc for 3 years until he had stomach pains - he died 6 weeks later with stomach cancer age 76 - we still don't know if it was connected.

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