Monday, December 1, 2008

What is the chance of me getting Lung Cancer if I only smoke 1 or 2 cigarettes a week

What is the chance of me getting Lung Cancer if I only smoke 1 or 2 cigarettes a week?
I only smoke like 1 cigarette a weekend and maybe 1 over the weekdays occasionally. What are the chances of me getting lung cancer?
Other - Health - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
People get lung cancer without EVER smoking a fag, you increase your chances significantly!
2 :
oh my god, your going to die. just stop. you will die in 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 wait for it... 1 RIP!!
3 :
Smoking causes lung cancer! May I ask WHY do you smoke? Have you even concern quitting smoking COMPLETELY? It helps you enjoy your life even more if you quit smoking successfully!!!
4 :
probably not any higher than most peoples chances since we have to breathe all that smoke in our air anyway
5 :
There is a very little chance. It takes a lot of cigarettes to significantly increase your chances of getting lung cancer. Don't listen to the people on here, it's completely your choice.

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