Saturday, November 1, 2008

Which would be a good topic to research on Lung Cancer or Tuberculosis

Which would be a good topic to research on Lung Cancer or Tuberculosis?
You see, i have been researching and plus is there a cure for Lung Cancer? I can't research both and i just wanted a few suggestions. I really want know which disease is more dangerous and would be more important to research on currently in the 21st century. Thank you in advance!
Cancer - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If you think there is a cure for lung cancer then you should do your research paper on that because the world needs to know and you obviously need to do more research so you stop making outlandish claims.
2 :
Not enough parameters given. Are you interested in the global or US public Health? Are you interested in the future or past 5 / 10 / 20 years? Are you interested in male/ female? White/black/...?
3 :
There are a lot of exciting new therapies for lung cancer, including vitamin C given IV. They don't know the cause for it, however. Smokers absolutely get emphysema and chronic bronchitis, but it's not certain they'll get cancer. Many never do. Many non-smokers do get lung cancer. They haven't found a particular gene like they have for breast cancer or a particular blood component like prostate cancer. If you're doing a research paper, I think you could find more information on TB. With HIV on the rise, TB has made a real come back. It's true that they can cure it in persons with intact immune systems, but it's very dangerous for others, and it has mutated into different strains now. My opinion is to research the one that interests you the most. In my experience, you'll do more digging for the answers and learn more if you're truly interested in the topic you're researching. Good luck...

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