Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Why are some people so insensitive to people with lung cancer

Why are some people so insensitive to people with lung cancer?
I have a friend who drank alcohol and smoked for years. You really couldn't find a nicer person. When he got lung cancer, somebody said he got what he deserved. Nobody deserves lung cancer even if they made bad choices. he was in a ton of pain when somebody said that.
Cancer - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
to the person that doesn't have a disease like cancer,they haven't the slightest idea what the ones with it are going through =the people cannot feel the pain,the shortness of breath and the fear that comes along with cancer
2 :
You are right nobody deserves that kind of treatment, my good friends father has just been diagnosed w/ lung cancer, it is an awful, painful, cancer. and why does he deserve this cancer? because he smokes? Come on now, what about the people who get lung cancer who dont smoke? Some people are so insensative.
3 :
All I can say is to those who show no compassion and empathy none will be shown to them in their time of need. My father-in-law passed at the age of 54 from lung cancer and he never smoked a day in his life, nor were there any smokers in the home. Back in the day men worked with asbestos without protection gear and that is how his drs. feel he got sick with it. In my opinion it doesnt matter how a person lived their life when they are on their death bed compassion and empathy is a must. I mean really we will all make that lonely walk (some by self-destruction, some by accident, and some by natural causes) and we all know we will want others to feel compassion and empathy in our time of sorrow. I am so sorry your friend had to endure such cruelty from others. No doubt he is in a better place. Keep your head up!
4 :
Some people are insensitive because they have decided that a person with lung cancer has brought this on themselves. They are right about that but no one "deserves" this. It's a consequence of a certain lifestyle not a just reward or a punishment.
5 :
No, i dont believe anybody deserves such a horrible disease, but i can see were they are coming from. You friend knew the chances, as does everyone else who smokes, drinks or does bad things to their bodies. My brother has cancer, yet hes never smoked in his life, he was healthy and fit so he doesnt deserve it either, more so then your friend.
6 :
I think most people correlate lung cancer with smoking, and so people make unkind remarks, thinking their behavior was the problem. Yes smoking certainly causes lung cancer, there are alot of other things that can cause it also, that are not smoking related. I think many people are ignorant of cancer, and it's easier to say, "well, he should have known", then to say "how can I help". My mom is dying of lung cancer, yes a smoker, for 60yrs. She too is kind, and giving, and would never say to someone dying, "well you should have known better". People make choices in their lives, they marry early, divorce often, experiment with drugs/alcohol, drag race cars, skydive and basejump, to name just a few risky behaviours. None of those choices make that person less worthy. So in the end, I still believe it's ignorance, and people thinking it will never happen to them, won't they be surprised when it is, and the ignorance comes back to visit them. I'm sure their take on life and death will have a far different message when they are the one dying.
7 :
I must tell you that these people who judge your friend are cruel and insensitive. Most people who make such cruel judgments do not want you to know that they themselves have made plenty of bad choices, and become haughty and arrogant just because you do not know their own secret life choices. Many people get lung cancer who have never smoked in their life....and remember this, many people who were smokers, and who developed lung cancer....would have developed it anyway, even it they had never smoked a cigarette in their life! You just tell those big mouths..."Judge not!" For one day, their evil judging words WILL come back to haunt them! Best of luck and good wishes for your friend. He is loved.

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