Friday, November 28, 2008

What are the effects of large quantitys of morphine on lung cancer patients

What are the effects of large quantitys of morphine on lung cancer patients?
I've heard morphine overdosing can kill you, but what about large doses of morphine taken regularly (and sometimes excessively) over a long period of time - to ease the agonizingly sharp breathing pains that lung cancer patients have? Also, are there any other (safe and similarly effective) drugs that can be used as an alternative for morphine?
Cancer - 1 Answers
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First of all, overdosing of any medication can kill you including tylenol. As far as morphine there is a controversy on that. Morphine or any opiate in large doses suppressing breathing. In the case of lung cancer patients, it's a good pain medication. The controversy is that morphine also extends life by about a few minutes. Not much but it's to prove that it doesn't kill a person when given in normal doses. .Another drug that has similar effect would be Dilaudid, which is called hydromorphone. That's the closest thing to Morphine.

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