Monday, January 12, 2009

Lung Cancer

Lung Cancer?
I just found out.... about 30 minutes ago that my Aunt has Lung Cancer. I've looked it up and done some reading. but my brain is kind of "moosh" right now since the news. has anyone on here delt with lung cancer? known someone? had it and survived? I guess what I'm also wanting to know is, How many people Live and how many people Die.... Thanks.
Family - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
no i do not know any one who had lung cancer to get peace with it try reading a bible ask god for guides and keep praying for your aunt and i will pray for her be there for her
2 :
I have been there with my father, unfortunally he did not survive, but they have come a long way since then. In the last few years, several advances have significantly improved treatment success rates. As a result, more people than ever before can expect to survive lung cancer today. Love & prayers.God Bless.

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