Tuesday, January 20, 2009

lung cancer

lung cancer?
A lung cancer patient has low sodium and each time the sodium goes low he hallucinates. There is no drastic abnormalty in his blood tests done , his electrolytes are normal , what is causing the hallucinations . : His lung cancer is a stage 4 , metastatic, agioplastic, spead to spine causing 2 fractures and also a spread to the ribs . any suggestions why he has hallucinations?when the sodium is low ?
Cancer - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
why dont you call a doctor and ask ?
2 :
I am not sure how that would relate to sodium but when ammonia levels in the blood increase it CAN cause some dillusions so maybe check that.
3 :
You say that there are no drastic blood test abnormalities, but also say up front his sodium is low. If his sodium is low enough (120s for instance), this is enough to cause mental status changes due to the fluid shifts caused by low sodium (brain cells are hypertonic compared to the bloodstream and water moves into the cells to compensate). This is a common problem for people with certain types of lung cancer, and it can be treated. Other causes for mental status changes include high calcium, brain involvement by cancer, infection. God bless, best wishes

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