Friday, January 16, 2009

lung cancer

lung cancer???
ok first off im 21 years old and ive been having this problem for a while now and would like some professional opinions. here is whats going on. i have shortness of breath at points its like im getting no air. pain in between the right shoulderblade and spine, a two swollen lymphnodes in my upper neck. a dry cough not pruducing much of anythiing (ie mucus) there is some though but not the nasty green kind just stick spit. pain in the shoulder that radiates down the arm. my chest feels clogged especially in the morning. fatigue and some loss of appetite. wheezing. some times when i swallow it feels like i have a toothpick wedged between my food pipe and lung. there is a localized sore spot where it just feels ray in my lung on the right side. i had a chest xray done 3 mo ago "in april" it came back clear but im freaking out i have most the symptoms of lung cancer what could this be i dont really feel sick at all like physically so ahh !!!!!.
Cancer - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Get on the internet and look up lung problems!
2 :
I seriously doubt you have lung cancer. But if this has continued for 3 months----you definitely need to go back to your doctor.
3 :
no professional here but it sounds like you either have allergies or early signs of asthma. Lung cancer is not like this from what I understand. Also- there is a possibility along with allergies, you may have anxiety- you may actually have 2 contributing factors going at the same time
4 :
It's very rare for a 21 year old to have lung cancer, not impossible but rare. So, I would suspect your doctor has placed that possibility on the back burner. It does sound like an allergy or asthma though too. You definitely need to return to the doctor for a thorough clinical examination. Explain to him what is going on. He may order a CT of the chest to get a better image which can than be used in the future for a baseline comparison. Be persistent in looking for a diagnosis. As mentioned before there are other 'differentials' that a doctor will 'rule out' before suspecting cancer. And, age is always a factor. Young 21 year olds do not generally get lung cancer, unless it is a secondary cancer from metastisis. There are certain types of cancer that generally are age specific . . young adults usually get specific types of leukemia, lymphoma, bladder, breast, sarcoma, germ cell tumors, ovarian, testicular, thyroid, and brain tumors: The doctor may suggest going to a specialist such as a gastroentrologist to investigate this further. Best to you.

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