Saturday, January 24, 2009

lung cancer

lung cancer?
i was at a friend s house for a few hours. his mom smokes.can i get lung cancer. so can i get lung cancer?
Cancer - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Cigarette smoking is the most significant cause of lung cancer. Research as far back as the 1950s clearly established this relationship. Even passive smoking, or sidestream smoke, presents another risk for lung cancer. A person living with a smoker has twice the risk of lung cancer of someone not regularly exposed to smoke. Air pollution from motor vehicles, factories, and other sources may increase the risk for lung cancer, but the degree of increase has not been established accurately. Asbestos exposure increases the risk of lung cancer by 9 times. A combination of asbestos exposure and cigarette smoking compounds the risk by as much as 50 times. Lung diseases, such as tuberculosis (TB) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), also create a risk for lung cancer. A person with COPD has a 4-6 times greater risk of lung cancer even when the effect of cigarette smoking is excluded. I added the link where I received the information in case you would like read up more on this issue.
2 :
second hand smoke is worse than smoking yourself but i doubt you got cancer from it unless your around it all your life and you still have a chance of not getting it
3 :
I guess its been proven that you can get it from second hand smoke. If you think you might have it check this out-
4 :
Yes there is a possibility.

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