Saturday, November 28, 2009

Can you smoke medical marijuana if you have lung cancer

Can you smoke medical marijuana if you have lung cancer?
Is is safe to smoke medical marijuana if you have lung cancer. Could it help it or make it worse? Would it be better to smoke or have made in food?
Cancer - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Smoking causes lung cancer..... moron.
2 :
no matter what you smoke won't help it inless ur the carrier of it. marijuana is marijuana and smoke is smoke and they =bad and can cause lung cancer so i say no.
3 :
no no no no no no no no no no no no. it will only make it worse if you smoke it and don't even chew you'll get mouth cancer. o and if its prescribed medicine then you'll have to ask your doctor
4 :
I am not for marjuana has helped some cancer patients with in this case I would say yes. BUT medical marj has been abused by people that do not need it.I am sorry I could not help you...PLEASE research it on-line or with your oncologist. Have no clue whatsoever if smoked or in food makes a difference but if you should decide to do this food would be best for have to take care of your lungs...cancer or not.
5 :
it will make it worse most likely. eat it. it's stronger that way with how your body breaks it down so any you have will last longer and be more effective for whatever you are using it to help with.
6 :
I would not recommend smoking, especially if you have lung cancer - unless you are going through palliative care only. I would suggest cooking it in food. That will remove the smoke issue, and also remove any issues of bacteria/chemicals/fungi that could cause infection, especially if you have a lowered immune system (smoking marijuana is just like eating unwashed fruit and veggies - not such a huge deal for a healthy person, but for someone going through chemo it could be an issue.)
7 :
Weed will help, but Dont SMOKE it, because ALL smoke is bad for your lungs. Just melt some butter, and add broken down weed to it. Let it simmer for about 5 minutes or a little longer just incase. Only on LOW heat. Add the butter to some brownie mix following the recipe.
8 :
Smoking is bad for your lungs regardless of the substance. It would be best for you to use a vaporizer or eat it.
9 :
This is said to be a difficult question to answer but it really isn't. Medical Marijuana can be used to treat all forms of cancer--including lung cancer. The fastest way to get it in your system is to inhale, HOWEVER (and this is the catch) you must not smoke, because smoke contains harmful carcinogens that not only cause lung cancer, but make it worse. How to do you past this? You use a vaporizer. A vaporizer's job is basically to heat your herb in order to release 100% of the THC in it's gaseous form. This is what you breathe in in order to treat your lungs. Note: Marijuana does not cause cancer, the released chemicals in smoke do. This is eliminated through the use of a vaporizer. Also, you save your already vaporized remains and either smoke it (done by most cancer patients when awoken with pain at 3 in the morning), or make edibles from it. You can also make Green dragon, which is vaporized MJ soaked in 150 proof alcohol, the green liquid can be used to lace your food when in pain but do not want to smoke. Hope this info helps...

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