Sunday, November 1, 2009

Why is painful lung action a common symptom of lung cancer

Why is painful lung action a common symptom of lung cancer?
I don't have lung cancer. Just homework in Science.
Cancer - 3 Answers
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1 :
Because the lungs loose their elasticity as the disease attacks their cellular structure.
2 :
Lung cancer is such a debilitating disease. My nephew died from it last year and he was only 50. The cancer cells just eat up and destroy all the healthy tissue, invade the healthy cells and make them mutate with cancer. Your lungs have an abundance of elasticity in them and when this is destroyed, simple things like coughing can hurts. Sneezing because it cause a rush of air. They can no longer run and play hard sports because the heavy breathing alone causes difficulty for them because the lungs cannot properly move in a nice flowing motion because the elasticity is gone. At the onset of lung cancer, most don't know they have it and normal activities don't change, but as the disease progresses, the lungs become like leather, their color, which should be a nice pink, will more than likely be a nasty color. The alveoli which is air pockets that look like a bunch of grapes in your lungs, are bigger because of the strain to breath. Breathing becomes very painful but that's near the end. I watched my sister-in-law die from lung cancer. Hope this helps
3 :
Google lung cancer - my dad had lung cancer and got part of his lung removed and he had no pain, he had a cough for a few weeks and my mum nagged him to see a doctor, he survived but died 3 years later of bowel cancer, as for your question a pain in the lung could mean lots of things, emphysema, chest infection, asthma, pneumonia etc. Google Pain in the Lungs

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