Monday, November 16, 2009

Medical studies supporting argument that smoking causes lung cancer

Medical studies supporting argument that smoking causes lung cancer?
Does anyone know the official title of any medical studies or trials that support the argument that smoking causes lung cancer? Also, if anyone knows of an article or example of why animal trials and human trials can have different results, that would be great. I have to research both sides of the debate about smoking and lung cancer.
Cancer - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
There really aren't "two sides" anymore, smoking causes lung cancer, but some people think the enjoyment is worth the potential risk. The biggest and most accurate human trial would be....mankind. If you look at the data concerning all the now-dead people born since 1900 that developed lung cancer, 10% of cases were in non-smokers, the rest were in smokers or ex-smokers.
2 :
You start the research on PubMed which is the online access to the US National Library of Medicine.
3 :
Smoking causes lung cancer. 90% of lung cancer cases come from those who smoke. For more information on smoking and lung cancer visit the website i use for answering questions (website in source)
4 :
Ad this to your research. I was 16, never smoked in my life, yet had lung cancer. You can research it under Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma. only about 54 cases in the world. Yes smoking is a major contribution to cancer, but so is if you breathe in asbestos (there have been many cases of this all around the world) All the best!
5 :
If you want to get technical about it, no-one has ever proved that smoking causes lung cancer - no-one knows the exact process involved. There is a statistical correlation between smoking and lung cancer that is of a significant size, but not an actual cause as in A causes B by means of C. Passive smoking on the other hand is far more entertaining, I could give you chapter and verse on those studies... It's also worth looking at who funded the studies, and who funds the funders.

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