Thursday, January 20, 2011

Anyone knows about the Presumptive Disabled Medi-cal? My dad has terminal lung cancer needs a medicine Tarceva

Anyone knows about the Presumptive Disabled Medi-cal? My dad has terminal lung cancer needs a medicine Tarceva?
I called the Medi-cal Office; they asked me to provide them with my dad's recent medical documents, but my dad hasn't seen doctors for long. Is a doctor's statement saying my dad would only have six-month life enough for applying this medi-cal? Does anyone know if the lung cancer medicine called Tarceva is covered by Medi-cal? Thank you very very much!
Cancer - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Someone in the doctors office, or the billing office at the hospital should have the answers to your questions. And they should be able to help you quickly. Ask the doctor where to go for answers to your billing questions. Also ask the doctor about hospice. If he has said you dad has only six months to live, he is eligible for hospice. They will do most of this for you.
2 :
Go to this website... there u can ask to Lung cancer specialist's

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