Saturday, January 8, 2011

what are the chances of a granuloma in the lung turning into cancer

what are the chances of a granuloma in the lung turning into cancer?
i have one that has been there for 9 ys...i found out about it after i had had it for 5 i have another one...i had a chest x-ray 2 months ago and it wasn't there and i had another one today and it is there in my left lung...the first one is in the right....i am really scared and want to know the statics for these turning into lung cancer...they said it is a calcified granuloma..
Cancer - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Calcified changing to cancer is very low chances. Actually, impossible.
2 :
A calcified granuloma is the result of damage to the tissue, usually from an infection. So if you had TB or a fungus or something. It is mistaken for cancer in chest x-rays but it can't "turn into" cancer. I hope this helps!
3 :
The odds are close to zero. Granulomas are similar to a scar that is caused by an injury to the lung from an infection or some type of particle you breathed in. If a granuloma is calcified, then its almost impossible for it to become cancerous. Calcified granulomas are usually caused by a previous fungal infection in the lungs (histoplasmosis).
4 :
All three answers are correct, so don't worry be happy God bless.

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