Friday, January 28, 2011

Can you get cancer from one cigarette if you're prone to lung cancer

Can you get cancer from one cigarette if you're prone to lung cancer?
My great grandma and grandpa smoked cigarettes and both died of lung cancer from smoking cigarettes.
Cancer - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You could get lung cancer even if you never smoke cigarettes. My mom died of "non-smoker's" lung cancer. She never smoked in her life. Smoking GREATLY increases your risk of getting cancer, so don't smoke.
2 :
You can get other forms of lung cancer and not be a smoker at all. Remember, in this world, nothing has a 0% or 100% of happening, its all in between the two.
3 :
You can get lung cancer for other reasons than smoking. But in your case I would not smoke at all due to family history of lung cancer.

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