Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Im 18 and smoked for 2 years and lung cancer is in my genes i just quit but have chest pains should i worry

Im 18 and smoked for 2 years and lung cancer is in my genes i just quit but have chest pains should i worry?
Both my grandparents died from lung cancer. im 18 years old and have been smoking since i was 16 but i just quit 3 weeks ago. I also started working out and running. I however get sharp pains in my chest when i breath in and sometimes randomly get weird feelings in my chest area when i breath in too. Should i be worried about lung cancer?
Cancer - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You are probably just out of shape, since you just started working out AND just quit smoking - the chemicals do different things in your lungs, so they're adjusting to the absence of smoke. I'd say as long as the discomfort is only when you've been exercising, don't worry at all, just work toward getting in shape gradually. If it's more frequent than that, you should probably check with your doctor - not necessarily because it's cancer, but because there are other things that could cause you to feel poorly and the dr. can help you figure out what the problem is.
2 :
maybe your lungs are quite adjusting because it's been 3 weeks already without nicotine.. so i guess continue quitting while it still early especially lung cancer is in your genes..
3 :
The good thing about quitting smoking is that your body can recover almost completely from the effects in a few years. Your lungs are in the process of cleaning themselves out. It can take about six months for your lungs to get cleared out. You may end up coughing up black goo, which is actually a good thing.
4 :
Your Lungs are detoxing themselves! I hope you never start again, I have seen too many xrays from people that have cancerous nodules in their lungs and also seen many patients suffering from the disease, ENOUGH to make you want to quit!
5 :
the answer is in my sources
6 :
well you should do a chest x-ray and it will show what's wrong ,anyway you should also keep doing that regularly to find out any abnormality fast you can visit this site about relation of smoking to lung cancer Lung cancer http://lungcancerdestroyer.blogspot.com/

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