Saturday, March 20, 2010

How much does your chance for lung cancer go up per ciggarate you smoke, brand matter

How much does your chance for lung cancer go up per ciggarate you smoke, brand matter?
I smoke 5-8 paralament lights per day, how much would my cances for contracting lung cancer go up if i started to smoke 10? 15? or decreased to 5? 3?. Is there a % value for the increased risk per ciggarate daily? If i switched to my alternate brand Nat Sherman lights, would that help to decrease my risk. I plan to quit when I hit summer vacation in May, but for now I wish to limit my risk. I dont know if total time being a smoker matters; but I have been smoking for 2 years now. 1.5 of those years paralament light, .2 benson and hedges light, and .3 Nat Sherman light. Thanks.
Cancer - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
No matter what you are getting about a cup of tar in your lungs every year from smoking. You need to stop to decrease your chances of getting lung cancer. smoking less isn't going to help you in the long run.
2 :
You really need to stop all together to make any difference. Finding rationalizations and excuses isn't helping. I quit a few years ago, and it was really hard, but so worth it! I found the answer was to find the will power deep down and go for it. YOU CAN DO IT TOO!
3 :
If u are trying to break it down into percentages of a chance of getting cancer...u are hooked already...any smoke going in your body will give u cancer....its just a matter of time.... it could be 1 year it could be 40 ....u need to quit and get away from basically injecting a slow death into your body as soon as u can. I know...I smoked for 10 years but quit 2 years ago and I feel sooo much better now
4 :
It is depends on your DNA structure there of many people that hasn't smoke and ended up dying of lung cancer, just like there are many people who Smoke unflitters cigs when their are in their late 80's. I really don't think that its any special cig that would be better for you. I would just quit. Your body can fix it self now when your still young.
5 :
my grandpa didnt die of lung cancer he died when he was 72 yrs old he smoked since probably around 16 or so dad died of lung cancer he would have been 61 yrs old smokin since he was probably in his teens...My dads mom had cancer, my aunt had cancer. I guess it also depends if it runs in your have a higher % OF GETTING IT. Lights dont matter..there is twice as much nicotine and the bad stuff...they just put a heavy filter on it that way it feels like your not smoking anything so you'll end up smoking twice as much
6 :
there is no scale for this. it is well known that the more you smoke,the more you are prone,even if you are smoking....whatever

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