Sunday, March 28, 2010

What is the survival rate for Lung Cancer

What is the survival rate for Lung Cancer?
Someone in my family is about to diagnosed with lung cancer, and I'm really worried about it. I probably shouldn't ask this as I'm only scaring myself more, but I'm also really curious as to how good the success of surival is, in case I shouldn't be panicking.
Cancer - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Im not sure but I will pass on some important research in the below link.Its a mineral that has been very successful in treatment of cancers
2 :
It depends how long the tumor has been there or how big the tumor is. My aunt had lung cancer but didn't find out right away, it was too late an it had already travelled to her brian :'(. She died not even a year later. Don't stress it too much, there are websites you can go on to read more about lung cancer. Just remember, whatever happens, happens for a reason! God bless you and your family! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
3 :
Each individual has their own cancer and treatment is tailored around that. No- one can give you an exact time as it really depends on what type of cancer and if their is spread or not. Good luck, I know easier said than done but try not to worry.
4 :
The previous answerer is correct. An INDIVIDUAL's survival is dependent on a lot of factors, including the patient's overall health, the type of lung cancer (there are different types, some better than others, how far spread the cancer is when found, and the treatment choices made). The AVERAGE survival statistics lump in everyone. It is important that you treat any patient of any disease as an individual because to get those average statistics, someone has to be at the top of the survival curve. Every patients should be treated as if they are going to be in the top! Here is a link to the National Cancer Institute's comprehensive information about lung cancers.

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