Thursday, March 4, 2010

What is the best treatment for lung cancer stage 3A

What is the best treatment for lung cancer stage 3A?
Hi, my father has been diagnosed stage 3A lung cancer, the cancer size is 5.8 x 4.2 x 3.8 cm. I have no idea about lung cancer at all, can you guys who have any experienced in curing/treating lung cancer may enlighten me please T.T ..
Cancer - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Hi, i know how you feel... Cause i am also experiencing it now. To answer your questions, you can consider taking the same treatment my mother is going through now, which is chemo. My mum is also diagnosed with lung cancer, but wasn't unsure of the stages my mum lung cancer is at now, as my doctor say nothing about it. My mum's doctor actually recommended my mum to take a medicine call "Gefitinib", which is also a medicine for cancer. The effect the medicine produces is not very efficient, but you can ask the doctor about this medicine, whether is it useful for you dad. As for my mum, the medicine is not useful and not taking any effect. Therefore my mum's doctor decided to take the "only" medicine for cancer, Chemo. Until now, i believe there is still no cure for cancer, only suppress and kills the cancer cells. But from what i know, if after the Chemo, and say to have killed all the cancer cells, the patients also have to wait for another 5 years, to make sure there he/she is completely recovered from cancer, before he/she is declared "Recovered" Even there is cure for cancer beside Chemo, only the riches of the riches... can afford such a medicine, and it is a mystery to everyone.
2 :
I hate to tell you this, but I have worked in a hospital AND i have had family members with terminal illnesses (including lung cancer) and I firmly believe in honesty. Lung cancer is always fatal, you can look it up but thus far the longest anyone has survived after diagnosis is about 5 years. You have options, your fathers physicians will most likely suggest chemo or radiation or a combination of the two, this will shrink the tumor and hopefully give your father longer to live. If you are not satisfied with this, you can try experimental treatments (tcm clinics in China, stem cell treatment in singapore, etc). However I think your best bet right now would be to go to a major cancer treatment center, like sloan kettering or the mayo clinic and see what they say. they will have the latest treatments. Lastly my experience working at a hospital taught me this. Don't let the doctors be the end all of your information source. There are SO SO SO many alternative treatments that have worked. And while they may not be the cure, they can help. Do research, even diet and exercise can help. There are multiple sclerosis patients who have remained symptom free and able to live a normal life (I wont say cured because there are so many restrictions) because of something called the best bet diet. There are lupus patients who have had success eating seaweed and doing tai-chi. My grand-mother survived with lung cancer for two years post diagnosis when every doctor she met said she had one at the most. I wish you the best, I can't imagine how painful this must be for you. Remember, RESEARCH, look around, the doctors do not know everything.
3 :
I had an aunt who had cancer a few years ago, I'm not sure what kind but she found out about a drug called Sodium Phenylbutryate, that Doctor Burzynski, in Houston Texas has been curing all types of cancer with for years now. My Aunt went and saw him and is now cancer free and feeling great....look into this, just type in his name, Dr.Burzynski on the internet and he has a huge website that you can look at, as well as phone numbers you can phone for more information. If he helped my Aunt im sure he can help your Father....Good Luck!
4 :
Stage 3A is best treated by either 4 cycles of cheotherapy (ciplatin doublet) followed by Radiotherapy or Concurrent radiotherapy and Chemotherapy (both chemo and RT given together) geftinib is not for the patient alone...however if he was a NEVER SMOKER it may benefit with chemotherapy but not alone upfront
5 :
If you do not know, Cancer Cells are not alien cells ingested into the body. It is actually our own cells mutated and turns bad. There are many Natural Cancer Treatment that you can effectively used to combat the cancer cells

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