Tuesday, February 1, 2011

my insides hurt could it be a sign of lung cancer

my insides hurt could it be a sign of lung cancer?
my insides constantly hurt, like all in my lung area and ovaries and stomach and everywhere. i do have endometriosis but that wouldnt cause this. i do smoke and have been for 3 years now but i dont know why my lungs would hurt this bad. they ach and make me feel all broken inside. do you think ths may be a sign of lung cancer?
Cancer - 1 Answers
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Why wouldn't endometriosis make your insides hurt? The few people I know that had it described symptoms just like yours. I doubt it's lung cancer. Drink some chammomile tea and soothe all your pent up nerves in there. Also, try to breathe with your diaphram, so that when you breathe in your tummy swells out and not your chest. At first it's uncomfortable for some people, but in about ten minutes I bet you'll feel at least a little better.

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