Sunday, February 20, 2011

How likely is it to survive stage four lung cancer

How likely is it to survive stage four lung cancer?
Stage 4 Lung Cancer anddd a required leg amputation for a woman in her 50s with various other health problems
Cancer - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Stage 4lung cancer is not curable.
2 :
Almost half of the people diagnosed with lung cancer are already at stage 4. It is NOT curable at that stage.
3 :
Gosh, I'm sorry. Stage 4 cancer alone would be a challenge without all the additional issues. From what I've read, and I had a friend and a sister who had the diagnosis, it is treatable, however, not curable. There's some basic information on, see the link below. If it were me or someone I loved, I would encourage treatment and support and would have a serious sit-down talk with friends and family. And I would get my things in order to not have anything to worry about on down the line and focus only on treatment and wellness. Elizabeth Edwards, wife of the former presidential candidate John Edwards, has lived with stage four cancer, since her cancer returned in 2007 though it has continued to spread, metastasizing in a number of spots in her body. That's one of the additional challenges. Whatever the situation it is, whether you or a friend or family member, you have my sincerest wishes and hope. Life is different to be sure, but there is more. If it were me, I've talked about this for years, I'd hop on a plane and go to the place where I am the happiest and spend some good solid time there. My advice for someone in this situation, joy and laughter trump illness, do everything you can to laugh, to feel to live and receive that gift with open arms. Sadly, my friend succumbed to ill effects from the treatments. But my sister, well, I did everything I could to make sure my sister laughed every chance I could - she's a survivor, 7 years now. My best wishes.
4 :
Stage 4 lung cancer life expectancy can vary considerably among different people. the factors include lung cancer type and location •Your age •Your sex •Your general health at the time of diagnosis •How you respond to treatment-- amoung other factors. That said, the median stage 4 non-small cell lung cancer life expectancy (the time at which 50% of patients are alive and 50% have passed away) is only around 8 months. The 5-year survival rate, that is the percent of people who are expected to be alive 5 years after a diagnosis of stage 4 lung cancer is sadly less than 10%. While stage 4 lung cancer is not usually curable, it is treatable. with the other health problems involved i would say (and i think you already know the answer) the out come it not good.

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