Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Lung cancer was discovered by who and when

Lung cancer was discovered by who and when?
Lung cancer was discovered by who and when and any history on the lung cancer is needed?
Cancer - 2 Answers
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1 :
Some 150 years ago, it was an extremely rare disease. In 1878, malignant lung tumors represented only 1% of all cancers seen at autopsy in the Institute of Pathology of the University of Dresden in Germany. By 1918, the percentage had risen to almost 10% and by 1927 to more than 14%. In the 1930 edition of the authoritative Springer Handbook of Special Pathology it was duly noted that malignant lung tumors had begun to increase at the turn of the century and perhaps even more so after World War I and that, possibly, they still were on the increase. It was also noted that while most lung tumors occurred in men, there seemed to be a steady increase in women. Duration of the disease, from being recognized until death, was usually from half a year to 2 years and in practically all cases there had been a long history of chronic bronchitis.
2 :
People have been dying from people as long as there have been people. In the old days they called cancer "consumption" before they even knew what a cell was. And I'm sure people had it in the lungs too, and they saw cancer during disections of smokers and coal miners who died from it.

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