Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What should i expect with liver and lung cancer

What should i expect with liver and lung cancer?
my grandad has very recently been diagnosed with cancer, he has been told it is in his liver, his lungs and also his lymph glands and he has about 5 -6 weeks left. Can this be true when he is very well in himself, he is not yellow in colour, he simply went to the doctor 2 weeks ago with lack of appetite and a slight pain above his stomach. he seems very well at the moment. Will this deteriorate very quickly?
Cancer - 4 Answers
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1 :
Probably. My best friend dad discovered he had stomach/liver cancer, and he didn't detect it till late, and it spread to his brain and the day before he was helping build a house. Then within a few days, he couldn't get out of bed. It also depends on how bad the cancer is.
2 :
I am very sorry to hear about your grandfather. It is hard to see someone you love have their world turned upside down. I am sure it is not easy for you and your family... I wish you all the strength at this time to be able to deal with this situation. I work on an oncology floor as a nurse, and I have seen patients fine one day and very sick the next. I have also seen patients who are told they have a short while outlast everyone's expectations. Prepare yourself for the worst... reality. That way if things are better than you have been told you are pleasantly surprised, but with cancer, always expect the worse. It is an aweful disease. Lung cancer usually doesn't cause symptoms until the late stages. By the time it is caught, it is usually stage 3-4. It sounds like your grandfather's cancer already spread seeing how it was found in more than one place. Depending on all of the medications your grandfather is on.. you can expect him to be very fatigued. If he is comfort meausres only they will be giving him medications to make him comfortable. He will probably sleep a lot. I am not sure what else I can tell you to expect without knowing his case, but spend as much time with him as you can. Enjoy more moments with him. Just remember... as fatigued as he may get, he can always hear you, so don't be afraid to talk to him. I really wish you and your family all the strength at this time. God bless your grandfather.
3 :
wish i could cuddle you yes this is true he will deteriorate quickly though no one can put exact time limit these doctors are dealing with this day in and day out so they do know talk to you grandad make the most of your time together tell him you love him give him a cuddle if you are taking it bad just think how he is feeling your gran your mum and dad this is a confusing and frightening time for everybody in one way you are lucky you get to say how much you love him you wont feel that now but maybe latter on i didn't get that chance with my dad and was so sorry angry and hurt so make the most of the time you have hope everything goes ok take care and again i am so sorry
4 :
You didn't say how old your grandad is. If it is in one lobe of the liver, they may be able to do a liver re-section and remove the bad part. A new liver will grow in. He can get chemo for his lungs and lymph glands. All is not lost, don't give up. I have come through cancer of the cervix, colon, liver and lungs and I'm still here and in pretty d**ned good shape too, I might add. By the way, I was stage 4 for 3 of them.

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