Friday, February 4, 2011

what is the survival rate of lung cancer

what is the survival rate of lung cancer?
my mom has lung cancer and she stopped smoking a week and a half ago? She is getting chemotherapy next week. what's gonna happen? Does chemo therapy work? she does not cough alot or cough up blood but her lung hurts.
Cancer - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
i am afraid the survival rate here also depends on the stage of cancer. yes chemo does work. and surgery,if possible,is the best. may God bless your mom. my dad's also undergoing cancer treatment right now.
2 :
the survival rate deeply depends on the stage of the cancer. so hopefully its in the first stages. if so, the chemo( or surgery) will help greatly. otherwise, its still worth a try and hopefully God will help her and her family. * i promise i will pray for your family

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