Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Appetite with final stage of lung cancer

Appetite with final stage of lung cancer?
My mom has stage 4 lung cancer that has spread to almost every part of her body. In November her doctor told me that he expected her to last only 4-6 weeks.It is now January and she is still here, I know the doctor only made an estimated guess. However, she was not eating for the longest time. And now for the last week or so, she is eating a lot and drinking a lot. She is bedridden and very weak and confused. But I want to know why she is eating so much lately, if near the end of life they are suppose to lose their appetites?
Cancer - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Nutrition deprivation is called Cachexia, stage 4 cancer can be painful. Please don't take her increased appetite as a sign of healing, while its possible, the chances are astronomically against spontaneous healing. Let her feel well and get her fill, cancer can be painful to deal with.
2 :
It is strange that your mother has a good appetite, but I'd definitively encourage her to eat/drink if she feels like it. Just make sure she can swallow properly and not chocking on her food if she is confused... she can develop a pneumonia from that.
3 :
I'm so sorry to hear about your situation. I'm not a doctor, but it's been my experience that people with terminal illness are usually sick and don't eat alot because the medication or treatments their on makes them feel nauseous. So, because of lack of nutrition they become weak and unsure of their surroundings. However, towards the end of a persons life who is terminal, the person tends to "rally" when the end is close. What I mean is, they start to eat and drink, carry on conversations, get up and move about, and actually claim to feel as though they are getting well. This I believe is Gods way of giving family and friend one last time to make fond memories before He calls them home. I wish you all the best and I hope I've helped you
4 :
I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. Many terminal patients often show signs of recovery just before death. She may regain her strength, and some symptoms such as coughing and confusion may ease up a bit. Take this time to tell and show her your love. Don't smother her though, she may want to spend some time alone to think about her next journey. She must be in hospice, right? Ask the nurse any questions, you may have so they don't tug at you in the years to come. Try to remember that we are all here on a temporary basis.
5 :
I'n a nurse for several hospice patients at a florida nursing home, and i can tell you i've seen either scenario...poor and high intake in the end stage. there are many schools of thought as to why the later occurs. My personal observation leads me to believe it to be a varied combination of these schools of thought, depending on the individual in question. In your mom's case it sounds like a combination of the body's natural process of acquiring the necessary nutrients to maintain proper function, stress (though you've stated that she's confused, I firmly believe that everyone even at a subconscious level carries a degree of the gravity of a life threatening illness), and fight or flight syndrome (fear related to the stress mentioned previously in combination with a sense of helplessness related to inactivity), possibly more than this, but this is my take on it. The best thing you can do at this point is ensure that she's comfortable and that you're emotionally caring for yourself so you can really be there for your mom, be prepared for whatever comes, and be able to stand a little firmer come what may. As far as her nutrition goes, i'm not sure what kind of diet she's on or if she has any chewing or swallowing deficits, but regardless of this it's most important to ensure she's getting adequate nutrients and calories. it's not quantity, it's quality. You want to make sure she's happy and satisfied, yes....but while she's scarfing down all but the kitchen sink at this point, you might want to ask her doc about getting her some "pulma care". it's pretty much like ensure but for people with respiratory diseases and conditions of all kinds. a variety of companies manufacture it, and it's so effective because it provides a good source of calories, vitamins, and minerals without the increased mucous production that ensure causes (which can lead to an increased risk for pneumonia, especially due to the fact she's already bedridden). Also in regards to pneumonia, you might want to also ask her doc about getting an incentive spirometer to help keep her lungs clear. I hope this helps you some. feel free to email me with any further questions you may have. I'll do my best to point you in the right direction if i can. I'll keep you in my prayers for peace, strength, and healing through this painful situation.Keep your head up. I've lost my father in law to ca and a few close friends and family and i can personally vouch for the fact things do get better. don't give up -jess

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