Tuesday, May 8, 2012

If you use the hair straightener, and you accidently smell the smoke coming, could it cause lung cancer

If you use the hair straightener, and you accidently smell the smoke coming, could it cause lung cancer?
I use a hair straightener and sometimes I accidently smell the smoke, could it cause lung cancer.If, About how many times until you get lung cancer 10pts!!
Hair - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
No. It doesn't count because it's your hair that's smoking. No real chemicals in there (ignoring hair products). Besides, when the straightener smokes on its own...it's mostly just steam. No harm.
2 :
wtf no
3 :
It's just steam, it happens to me all the time. You will be fine. :]
4 :
You don't get lung cancer from hair straightening smoke, but it causes your hair from not growing fast, hair fall, split ends, hair too dry or even hair loss. If you don't believe me, keep reading YA HAIR for about 30 mins. so you can read what other symptoms girls have.
5 :
You will not get a lung cancer from it. I believe that you can only have lung cancer through airborne or direct contact to a person who has lung cancer. My advice is that you wear a mask while using your hair straightener.
6 :
maybe if you did it ten times a day for a thousand years. The amount of smoke you inhale in this instance is so miniscule that you don't have to worry about it causing lung cancer...although if your hair is smoking maybe you should worry about it

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