Sunday, May 20, 2012

Can people get lung cancer from smoking pot

Can people get lung cancer from smoking pot?
My friend has been smoking for 40 years and has a smokers cough in the morning. He says it is not possible to get cancer from pot because cigarettes have all those unnatural additives that cause cancer.Is this correct?
Cancer - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
yes in fact its worse than cigarettes heres a link
2 :
You can get lung cancer and have never smoked anything at all, but pot is not a risk factor for lung cancer.
3 :
YES. It's very harmful. People often say that cigarettes are worse than marijuana, but that is not true. If Smoked as much as cigarettes, it's way more harmful. One joint is as bad, if not worse, than four cigarettes. Think about all the negative risk factors of cigarettes and multiply that by four... Doesn't sound so nice, does it.
4 :
Why doesn't he just take the pot of the stove. He must be very forgetful to burn something on the stove every single day for 40 years. I think most likely he will die from his house burning down one day because of this, not so much from cancer.
5 :
sad to see how many uneducated and indoctrinated people there are out there. cannabis does not cause cancer. infact it has been shown that regular cannabis smoker have less instances of both head and neck cancers. cannabis has anti tumor properites. do your reasearch don't rely on idiots for info. here's a good place to start. also here is a list of website with endless info on how cannabis fights all kinds of cancers.
6 :
NO YOU CAN NOT! Do not listen to anyone who says you can, yes there are 50-70% more different cancer causing chemicals or substances but they are such insanely low ammounts that in 10,000 years there is not 1 documented cancer growth in marijuana only smokers (that the smoke could possibly relate too) There are also many cancer fighting things in it, and actually it can reduce your chances of getting many cancers by 68%
7 :
How does marijuana affect the lungs? Scientists believe that marijuana can be especially harmful to the lungs because users often inhale the unfiltered smoke deeply and hold it in their lungs as long as possible. Therefore, the smoke is in contact with lung tissues for long periods of time, which irritates the lungs and damages the way they work. Marijuana smoke contains some of the same ingredients in tobacco smoke that can cause emphysema and cancer. In addition, many marijuana users also smoke cigarettes; the combined effects of smoking these two substances creates an increased health risk. Can marijuana cause cancer? Marijuana smoke has been found to contain more cancer-causing agents than is found in tobacco smoke. Examination of human lung tissue that had been exposed to marijuana smoke over a long period of time in a laboratory showed cellular changes called metaplasia that are considered precancerous. In laboratory test, the tars from marijuana smoke have produced tumors when applied to animal skin. These studies suggest that it is likely that marijuana may cause cancer if used for a number of years.
8 :
I really don't think pot has any serious effects on health. I know tons of people who have smoking it their entire life and they can run and bike longer than us youngsters without breathing rapidly or stressing at all. They smoke about four or five joints per day and they look and feel incredible. They have no signs of increased aging. In fact, hemp oil, the sister of marijuana is used in curing cancer, as it increases oxygen to cells. On the other hand, if you smoke cigarrettes for just a few to ten years, lung cancer is found much more commonly. If you are eating healthy, keeping your body pH balanced and oxygenated, smoking pot will have next to no negative effect on lungs in my opinion.

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